Thursday, November 20, 2014

#TheRoundUp by Enzer - No. 2

We are not cattle. You do, we talk. LOL. Here's #TheRoundUp

Taylor Swift finally released a new music video for another hit song from her latest album. She gave me a lot of reasons to stop worrying about Shake It Off being the only hit on her latest album. A lot of people are saying that they want Taylor to remain a country artist, singing about boys and all but I think she made the right decision by switching to pop 100%. I really do and I don't think it's because she wants to been seen as a grown up or anything like that, I just think it was a smart business decision. Well done Taylor and crew.

The 2014 MTV Europe Music Awards (EMAs) went down last week (November 9th). Two words: The Worst. The opening performance by Ariana Grande was, well, so so. Ariana sounds great on radio, not LIVE. A lot of the top artists of the year were absent which was really a bummer for Glasgow. The excitement was not really there. I don't know if it's because the people of Glasgow were hoping that they would be a city in an independent Scotland by now (SIDE NOTE: Glasgow voted YES to Scottish Independence) or they just didn't want the awards to be there in the first place, puzzles me. On a lighter note, a few performances stood out for me: Enrique Iglesias's performance of Bailando, Keisza’s performance of Hideaway and of course Alicia Key's performance of We Are Here. I love that song! It carries a very important message and is well written. Alicia is definitely on my One to Watch list for this year.

Nicki Minaj blew it! Twice in one week (LOL). Early last week she was the host of the EMAs and, like the live event itself was the equivalent of a skunk's waste. I understand why the producers of the show wanted her to host but sadly I don't think it really worked out. She's funny, she pushes the boundaries, she's secure, she's a great rapper but she's just not a good EMA hostess. Nicki also released a very offensive Nazi inspired music video last week. Well at least she gave a great performance at the EMAs so it wasn't all bad. Right?

If you are not listening to Gwen Stefani's new music this fall/winter then you need a prescription from your doctor because she is back with a bang. Don’t you dare write her off! Another act to look out for is Australasian rock band The Griswolds: they are the epitome of awesomeness.

About A Boy on NBC has really stepped it up this season except for Benjamin Stockham's character (Marcus Bowa). I'm not sure if the producers wanted the character to take a chill pill this season (he was all over the place in season one) or if Benjamin Stockham is having bad days, every day. I'm also excited to see how Marcus will transition to teenage hood considering how fast Benjamin is growing up.

Late Night TV has never been better. Though I miss Chelsea and wish she had never left E! I think Fallon, Kimmel, O'Brien, Meyers, Stewart, Letterman, Colbert, Oliver and the rest of the colony have got us all covered (LOL). It's sad that they don't air on weekends because THE PEOPLE AT SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL) ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOB PROPERLY! Season 40 of SNL on NBC kicked off on a low and it seems like it's going to stay that way for the rest of the fall/winter season. Most of the jokes are pathetic, some are borderline offensive (don't get me wrong, they are just so close to taking it TOO FAR) and none of the hosts have impressed me so far. If the bosses fired someone they need to get them back A.S.A.P (with a raise, of course).

Oscar Pistorius was allegedly raped in prison! I don't have all the facts but this could be true for obvious reasons. On the other hand it might just be his way of trying to get the "system" to be more lenient on him (we all know he has a clever legal team backing him). Still on rape, Bill Cosby (same as Stephen Collins) is being accused of assaulting multiple women. I am going to be on the fence as usual because I believe that when you are successful in the public eye you are a target. Times are tough and some people want to make a quick buck. On the other hand, Bill and Stephen might have abused all those women knowing very well that they could get away with it. Rape is a serious problem in our day and the perpetrators are usually the last people on our minds.

President Obama recently visited China. I never thought the day would come. It did but I also feel like it was a waste of time. I know that there's a lot of business between China and the U.S but besides that these two powers are polar opposites. Thanks to the United Nations we don't have to study World War 3. I'm still trying to figure out if both countries' intentions were genuine (I hear President Putin was also in the mix) or if President Obama was just trying to ruffle the Republican feathers. Only God knows.

New Zealand wants to change its flag. Good for them. At the end of the day it's up to them to decide whether they want to move on in that sense or keep the Union Jack. Oh, but that's not the reason why they want to change it. Some Zealanders want to change the flag because it looks like the Australian flag. SIDENOTE: If you are not clued up on world flags please do not be late to the party by simply visiting (LOL). Well, Canadians have the same status as New Zealand in the Commonwealth, they don't have the Union Jack on their flag and they seem to have succeeded in creating an identity that's independent of the United Kingdom. So Dear Zealanders: It's Possible.

Moving on to what Britain considers a "problem", there's been rumors that Africa's longest serving leader, President Mugabe, was almost assassinated. Guess who's been accused of plotting his assassination? His deputy, Joyce Mujuru. Guess whose adding fire to the rumors? His wife, Grace Mugabe. I have only one thing to say: Hollywood please make a series out of all this drama because it sounds like one of your creations (LOL).  

 "Change can either challenge or threaten us...Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you” - MARSHA SINETAR

The Enzer's Factor Board has been updated! Check out all the latest ratings on the right-hand-side of the blog. TV series from outside the U.S. (English Series Only) have also been added.

The E.W. Board has decided to change the name of the Enzer's World (E.W.) Independent Online Awards. As from today they'll be known as The E.W. Independent Online Recognitions. The E.W. Board has already begun drafting the shortlist which will only be revealed in Mid-2015.

The new feature that I talked about last time is still in the pipeline. Be on the lookout.

Don't forget to check out and follow Enzer's Worlds' twitter accounts: @enzer_tweets ; @EW_Xtra ; @ew_queer >>> Dude, Totally Unbiased.

'Til Next Time :)

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