Friday, December 19, 2014

#TheRoundUp By Enzer - No. 6

Yes, you clicked on the right link LOL. Here’s #TheRoundUp!

I’m happy! 

Why am I happy? 

I am happy because The Voice USA on NBC had a freaking AWESOME Season Seven finale! 

The show was spectacular! The show was out of this world - OMG! I haven’t been entertained that much since the American Idol Season Thirteen finale back in May. 

The performances by some of the top artists of the year were off the hook. Jessie J (J’adore Jessie J), Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Jennifer Hudson and Meghan Trainor all contributed to making the finale a night to remember and probably the best episode in the history of The Voice USA (trust me, I’ve been watching the show since its inception). 

The people at American Idol on FOX have a lot of work to do this year because The Voice impressed, big time. Overall, I’m glad the level of excitement was sky high because that is what The Voice lacked. 

Yes, American Idol has the very successful winners, but it’s also exciting or excites viewers. I also hope that all the four finalists (Craig Wayne Boyd, Matt McAndrew, Chris Jamison and Damien) get to release full length albums not only because they were contestants on The Voice but because they are all special (i.e I think they would sell millions of copies LOL). 

Oh, and if you haven’t listened to their new singles which they performed this week on night one of the finale, what are you waiting for? The singles (accompanied by four new music videos) are to die for! Enzer’s World will definitely be sharing the music videos in the near future.

Still on The Voice Finale, one moment that surprisingly stood out for most people was Bruno Mars’s “bad hair day” LOL. I don’t get the hype around all of this. Why is it a headline? I thought whatever he had on was cool, trendy and went well with his performance, nothing special, so why are we still talking about it? 

What we should be focusing on is Team Blake Shelton’s victory. Did you see Adam Levine’s face when Craig Wayne Boyd was crowned The Voice of America? I really thought Adam had this in the bag, heck even math was on Adam’s side! 

Anyway, congratulations to Team Blake’s Craig Wayne Boyd and to The Voice for an astounding season. I’m looking forward to another round of fun in 2015 and I hope you won’t disappoint.

Moving on, in case you haven’t heard, the new Miss World 2014 is Rolene Strauss! The medical student from South Africa was crowned in London and unexpectedly beat out more than a hundred girls from around the world, good for her. Enzer’s World truly believes that these beauty pageants are relevant in our day and
deserve a place on TV. I am totally against anyone who thinks that Beauty Pageants are a waste of time and superficial because they change lives. These beauty queens are a source of inspiration to not only the communities they come from but also to the communities they are able to reach through organizations like Miss World. For instance, the Beauty with A Purpose charity program (amongst other programs) that The Miss World Organization holds has donated millions of dollars that have assisted in alleviating global poverty. Just like sport, beauty pageants have made a huge impact in many lives and deserve to be in the spotlight. In fact, I think Beauty Pageant Organizations give out way more than they receive when compared to the world of sports. So please, if you’re anti-beauty pageants #GetYourFactsRight before you ignorantly destroy lives!

On a lighter note, the live telecast of the Miss World 2014 final was obviously better than last year’s edition which was broadcast live from Indonesia. The stage and lighting was on point, the gowns worn by the girls would definitely fly off the shelves and the line-up had me glued to my screen. I wasn’t surprised because whenever the finals are hosted by London City the show is always up to scratch. I also envy the people of London because they had two sets of exceptionally gorgeous women on the London catwalks for major events (Miss World Finals and The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show), twice in one year! Lucky you are Londoners!

Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy on ABC? If you don’t then you’re missing out on a lot of DRAMA. I am happy to say that after eleven seasons (and a bevy of characters LOL) the series still has a large following (I’m one of those people) and captivating storylines that make me wish Grey’s Anatomy was a daily drama, airing even on weekends! Yes, that’s how much I like it. On the other hand, The Queen Latifah Show got cancelled a few weeks ago! Well, if you didn’t see that one coming then you are probably carrying dead brain cells. Question is: Is Queen Latifah going to do another talk show in the near future? I’ll give that one a MAYBE because (clearly) she doesn’t give up easily.  

Enzer’s World (E.W.) has this week decided to shine the light on one of TV’s most celebrated personalities – Giuliana Rancic. The Italian born mother of one and wife to Bill Rancic is not only a pretty face (with an amazing figure) that anchors E! News on E! (she is one of the managers too) but she also co- hosts E! Live from the Red Carpet, has in-depth conversations with some of our favorite celebs on her half hour talk show called Beyond Candid with Giuliana and she stars in her own reality show with hubby Bill titled Giuliana & Bill all on E! 
In addition, she is also recognized by the E.W. Board as the Outstanding Hostess for a Reality TV Lifestyle Magazine Series 2013/14. If that is not a busy woman then I’m a sad camel in some desert near Egypt. Kudos to Giuliana for the hard work and dedication! She is undoubtedly the First Lady of E!

Happiness comes in relaxed simplicity, living in present awareness, and contentment with each precious moment of this life that is granted. Awakened awareness is not dependent on any particular circumstance. We are each endowed with clear perception that becomes dormant or obscured through the conditioning of fear, loss and belief. When we deeply relax in silence, our awareness effortlessly shines with a transforming brilliance. We live with passion, with a twinkle in our eyes, aware that we are living in a grand mystery; feeling the radiance of its presence everywhere, energizing us to take care of the tasks at hand in a sensible and practical fashion.


“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN

“A childlike man is not a man whose development has been arrested. On the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle aged habit and convention.” – ALDOUS HUXLEY

Enzer’s Worlds’ first Blog-Drama is launching in January! Find out more at: were you will also find the names of some of the characters. Please note that the series is not suitable for visitors under 18. Carrensdale is not a video series; the drama will be presented in a script format.

Don’t forget to check out and follow Enzer’s World on Twitter @enzer_tweets ; @EW_Xtra ; @ew_queer

‘Til next time

>>>Dude, Totally Unbiased<<<

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